which fruits glow your skin
Lemon works best for making the skin glowing and toxins out. Lemon is a sour and alkaline / alkaline nature fruit. Lemon acts like a natural bleach on the skin and also helps to lighten and brighten the skin.
Apart from these benefits, lemon also improves skin tone and helps eliminate acne / pimples or acne spots. Apart from this, if you are worried about the problem of blackheads or white heads in the skin, then you can start using lemon.
The best way to consume lemon is to drink honey and lemon in a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach before rinse alsubah.
We had all read rightly in childhood that an apple eater never goes to the doctor. A significant amount of malic acid is found in apples. It is considered the best skin care chemical (Alpha Hydroxyl).
Salicylic acid and glycolic acid are found in most beauty products. These can cause serious damage to the skin for long-term use.
At the same time, malic acid keeps our skin healthy, young and glowing. Malic acid repairs our skin cells and protects the skin layer from any damage.
Apples also contain a lot of fiber which helps in keeping our colon clean. Constipation is never a problem in the body due to the cleanliness of the large intestine. Apart from this, there is also no problem of acne / pimples and pimples in the skin.
Avacado benefits in many ways in our body. If you talk about health, avacado is considered super food. They are extremely nutritious, best in test and extremely beneficial for the skin.
Avacado can be used in two ways. It can either be applied on the face or can also be eaten directly. Avacado is a rich source of biotin, also known as B7 / B7. B7 increases cells in our body and helps them regenerate.
It also helps in making the skin glowing and enhances its complexion. The intake of avocado increases hair and nails rapidly. Avacado also contains Vitamin E which helps in skin care. This fruit has high fat content which helps in making the skin young and glowing.
Papaya is one of the most used products in the world of skin care. Papaya is also used in making lotions, cleansers, soaps and facial peels. But what is the benefit of buying papaya with chemical on face?
It is much better that we get all the same benefits by consuming fresh papaya. Papaya can be consumed daily. If you want, you can also apply it on the face by crushing it. This will help give you naturally fresh and glowing skin.
Papaya contains significant amounts of carotene, vitamin A and other essential enzymes such as papain. All these things together help prevent cell breakdown and create new cells. Apart from this, they also act as excellent anti-oxidants.
Although this fruit is not so famous, but still this fruit is very special. If you talk about the benefits in health, then you can place pomegranate in the same category in which blueberry and green tea are included.
This is a very special fruit of which every part is very beneficial. Whenever you buy this fruit, you can use the skin, peels and seeds of this fruit. It is a very beneficial fruit from every point of view.
Pomegranate contains many anti-oxidants. It helps to give us young and soft skin. Tea made by boiling pomegranate peels not only keeps our hair clean but also enhances the skin.
Blackberries help increase the amount of collagen in the body. Collagen keeps the skin soft, delicate. The antioxidants present in blackberries also reduce signs of aging.
Bonus Smart tips
* Include both curd and milk in your diet regularly.
* Citrus fruits keep skin healthy and glowing. Produces collagen required for skin. So increase the amount of citrus fruits in your daily diet.
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